Yellow Butterfly Weed Plant, Asclepias Tuberosa


Milkweed Market Opens May 2, 2024 

Local Pickup Only

 Hours for Open Air  Milkweed Market:  8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.  Weekly, Thursdays through Sundays.   Milkweed plants will be available through the summer.   Cash, check & credit cards accepted.

Yellow Butterfly Weed Plants.  These seedlings are 3-4 weeks old.  Sold in 8 oz. cups and are ready to transplant as soon as the ground has warmed up.  Prefers a mostly sunny location with well drained soil.  Local pickup only.


Asclepias tuberosa aka  Butterfly Weed   The bright yellow flower clusters, with this species, make a striking display.  As a native plant it will thrive in rocky, sandy soil and can be found in open fields and roadsides.

Growing.  Keep the young plants well watered for the first year. A well established plant can withstand drought but not soggy conditions like the Swamp M.  I’ve also read that it may take 2-3 years to flower but mine flowered the first year. Getting about 24” tall, the original plant will not spread via roots like the Common M. but will self-seed and I’ve found those seedlings can be transplanted while young.  


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Milkweed Market Open for Summer. Most plants $2 - $4 each. More Information