Common Milkweed Seeds, Asclepias Syriaca


Common Milkweed Seeds, Asclepias syriaca.   Hand collected, dried and cleaned.  Needs 30 days cold moist stratified to break dormancy. Collected from plants grown free of pesticides and chemicals in my home gardens.


Asclepias syriaca aka  Common Milkweed. Growing 4′-5′ tall this perennial native plant was once seen in abundance along roadsides and open fields. Their decline is still a mystery with many opinions on why they are disappearing.  On a thick stalk that branches slightly, pink/mauve ball-like blooms attach close to the stem.  Will not bloom the first year. Plant is spending all of it’s energy creating a vast root system.  2nd year plants will be full size and bloom.

Sowing.   In late fall surface sow to overwinter and sprout in the spring or give 30 days cold moist stratification and surface sow in the  spring. The seeds needs light, moisture and warmth to germinate. Most sites say that milkweed  seedlings will not transplant well but that has not been my experience. 

Growing.  Soak seeds 24-48 hrs. in warm water before sowing. Milkweed seeds need 3 conditions met to germinate: Surface sown- because they need light, warmth- ground temps upper 60’s or above, and consistent moisture. Keep plants well watered the first year. A well established plant can withstand some drought.  Common Milkweed will spread far and wide.  It’s not uncommon to find the roots 12” deep and travel under poured sidewalks.  If these are planted in a flower bed you will have to dig out the wanderers each year that come up in an area you don’t like or can’t be mowed off.  The dug up roots, however, can be shared or transplanted elsewhere.

Native to all continental US states except: AZ, CA, CO, FL, ID, NV, NM, UT, WA, WY.

Additional information

Weight .10 oz
Dimensions 7 × 4 × .5 in
Seed Count

10 Seeds, 25 Seeds, 20 Seeds, 50 Seeds, 100 Seeds, 500 Seeds, 1 0z. Bulk Approx. 4,000 Seeds


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