Live Plants available each May (Local pickup only)
$1 each. 3-4 weeks old.

- A. Incarnata Pink. Pink Swamp M.
- A. Incarnata White. White Swamp M.
- A. Syriaca. Common M.
- A. Tuberosa. Butterfly Weed M. Orange and Yellow
- A. Curassavica. Tropical M. Silky Red and Silky Gold
Later in July
Mature potted Tropical M. with a caterpillar will be available later in July. These will fit inside the mesh Monarch cages. $5 each *** Time will depend on when the Monarchs show up and start laying eggs. Here in south central PA it’s usually middle of July before caterpillars are seen in any quantity. A banner on the website will give updated info. Cages not supplied. Local pick up.
Here’s the complete Milkweed species list being grown for 2021. Seeds will be available this Fall for many of them.
- A. amplexicaulis. Common name: Clasping M.
- A. arenaria: Common name: Western Sand M.
- A. asperula. Common name: Antelope Horn.
- A. cordifolia. Common name: Heartleaf M.
- A. curassavica. Common name: Tropical M., Bloodflower M. in Silky Red Tropical and Silky Gold Tropical
- A. eriocarpa. Common name: Indian M., Kotolo M. or Wooly Pod M.
- A. exaltata. Common name: Poke M.
- A. hallii. Common name: Hall’s M.
- A incarnata. Common name: Swamp M. in White and Pink.
- A. latifolia. Common name: Broadleaf M.
- A. linaria. Common name: Pine Leaf M. , Pineneedle Leaf M.
- A. fascicularis Common name: Narrowleaf M.
- A. nivea. Common name: Caribbean M.
- A. oenotheroides. Common names: Longhorn M., Zizotes M.
- A. ovalifolia. Common name: Oval leaf M.
- A. purpurascens. Common name: Purple M. (a few blooms this year but no pods)
- A. perennis. Common name: Aquatic M. or Swamp M.
- A. speciosa. Common name: Showy M.
- A. subulata. Common name: Rush M. or Desert M.
- A. sullivantii. Common name: Prairie M. or Sullivant’s M.
- A. syriaca. Common name: Common M.
- A. tuberosa. Common name: Butterfly Weed M. in Orange or Yellow
- A. variegata. Common name: Redring M. or White M.
- A. viridiflora. Common name: Green Comet M.
- A. viridis . Common names: Green Antelopehorn M. or Green Spider M.
- A. verticillata. Common name: Whorled M.
- Calotropis gigantea. Common name: Giant M. or Crown Flower M. in Purple or White
- Calotropis. procera. Common name: Giant M.
- Cynanchum laeve. Common name: Honeyvine M.
- Tweedia caerulea. (old name Oxypetalum caerulea) Common name: Blue Tweedia M. or Blue M.
Hi Cindy
Have all your plants gone up to $2.00 a piece now? or just the MW? Some of your pages still have a dollar on them so I was wondering if it’s just the MW that went up. Are you going to have Mexican Sunflowers for sale again this year?
Ok thanks
Good morning Dorothy, This is the first year that I can sell milkweed all summer. All singles are regularly $2 each both Milkweed and Nectar Flowers. I run a 1/2 price sale around Mother’s Day because that’s our last frost date and we are free to plant outside 🙂 I do have the Mexican Sunflowers in both Yellow and Orange while supplies last. Milkweed will be available all summer but the nectar flowers only while supplies last. Stop on in, I look forward to meeting you and thank you for helping the Monarchs 🙂 Cindy
Anyone has some Purple MW seeds to share or trade with Common MW?
Good morning, I don’t have any Purple Milkweed seeds yet but check out Facebook. There are some groups specifically for Trading Milkweed Seeds. 🙂
I have lots of pink narrow leaf swamp milkweed seeds. I also have young plants left I am trying to give away. I am running out of room. If you would like the seeds I would mail them to you, if you know of anyone near Butler PA that wants milkweed contact me.
Hi Mary, how wonderful that you are willing to share your milkweed seeds and plants:) All seeds that are donated to Milkweed 4 Monarchs are given away to anyone who sends a SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope), they just need to be marked with the species name. I would be happy to pass them on for you. If you are on Facebook there are a few Monarch and Milkweed groups that would be very interested. Grow Milkweed Plants, Monarchs and Milkweed, and Milkweed Seeds – buy and trade are the 3. that I use. The plants can be given away on those groups or on the Market Place. Thank you for helping the Monarchs 🙂 Cindy
Monarch Research Project is a Non-Profit located in Marion, IA. We provide a variety of programs and rearing enclosures for our members. One milkweed I’ve been looking for, but have not had much luck is Purple Milkeed Asclepias purpurascens. If you have seeds in the fall 2020, I would be interested. Thank you. . .MRM Mike Martin
Hi Mike and thank you for writing. I am interested in hearing which species are lacking and in what areas. These are the plants that I want to grow the most. The price that people are asking online for 10 seeds is abhorrent to me. I paid $14 for 10 Purple M. seeds. I will be germinating them in a few weeks and yes, my plan is to have some to sell….for much less. The little I have read about this species is that it doesn’t go to seed every year, and that is why they are scarce. Not sure how much of that to believe.
I love what you are doing in IA and I hope very much that I will have those seeds for you this Fall. 🙂 Cindy