Milkweed and Nectar Plants for Sale 2025

Closed for Season. Re-opening May 1, 2025

Milkweed 4 Monarchs
8741 Elizabethtown Rd.
Elizabethtown PA 17022

It's the long stone lane
717-367-9656 (no text, old school)
Local Pickup Only    Open 4 days a week.
Milkweed Market opens May 1 thru Sept. 14
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Milkweed will be available all summer. Nectar flower while supplies last.
Single Plants in 8-12 oz. cups.   $2 each.   1 Quart pot $4 each later in season.
1 yr old milkweed $5-$10 each.
6 Packs (only in selected species while supplies last) $10
Purple Cone flowers, Rue, Spotted Bee Balm 1 year old $4-$5 each

Monarch Caterpillar with a potted annual milkweed plant. $5.00 24″ Butterfly Habitat Cage $20.

Milkweed Plants (*$2 – $4 each) 4-8 weeks old

  • 5″-6″ potted annuals $5. each starting in July with Caterpillar – call me to make sure there are enough cats found that day. 717-367-9656
  • Yellow Butterfly Weed – Asclepias tuberosa
  • Orange Butterfly Weed- A. tuberosa
  • Common Milkweed- A. syriaca
  • Pink Swamp Milkweed- A. incarnata
  • White Swamp Milkweed- A. incarnata (Sold Out and probably discontinuing, unable to keep color true)
  • Tropical Milkweed Red- A. curassavica $2 sold out now in $5 pots
  • Tropical Milkweed Yellow/Gold- A. curassavica (Sold out and discontinuing. Unable to keep color true)
  • Hairy Balls Milkweed – G. physocarpus Sold out for 2024
  • NEW Purple Milkweed – A. purpurascens $4 each Sold Out for 2024
  • 5″-6″ potted perennials $10. each 1 year old. 1 Qt. potted perennials $5 each 1 year old. Sold out for 2024

Nectar Flowers (All sold out for 2024 except Rue Herb)

  • Rue (Herb -Perennial for Eastern Black Swallowtail cats) $5 each
  • Orange or Yellow Mexican Sunflower Sold out for 2024
  • Dwarf Orange Mexican Sunflowers Sold out for 2024
  • Giant Zinnias in Red, Purple, Pink, or Orange Sold out for 2024
  • Dwarf Yellow Zinnia sold out.
  • Dwarf Orange Zinnia sold out.
  • Purple Cone Flowers 1 year old $4 each (sold out for 2024)
  • Spotted Bee Balm $4. (Sold out for 2024)

* Most plants $2 – $4 each unless marked otherwise.

Milkweed Market 2024
Milkweed Market 2024 Open Thursdays thru Sundays 8-6
Milkweed species for sale 2024
A few of our PA native perennial milkweeds
Coneflowers and new host plants for our Eastern Black Swallowtail butterflies
Coneflowers and new host plants for our Eastern Black Swallowtail butterflies
Assorted Zinnias both Giant and Dwarf
Assorted Zinnias both Giant and Dwarf
Mexican Sunflowers. Large Orange or Yellow and Dwarf Orange
Mexican Sunflowers. Large Orange or Yellow and Dwarf Orange
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14 thoughts on “Milkweed and Nectar Plants for Sale 2025

  1. Hoping to see you today! I would like 6 tuberosa and if you have other types of milkweed left, some others. Can’t wait!!

    1. Wonderful! The Milkweed Market is open until 6:00 and again 8-6 both Sat & Sunday. See you then 🙂

  2. Do you have the milkweed plants and the catipillers now or is it too early? I was hoping to come down tomorrow morning. Thank you,

    1. Hi Cindy,
      It’s early but I have found a few and am starting a caterpillar waiting list. Plants are ready, just waiting on the Monarchs 🙂 Would you like me to add you to the list? How many would you like and what days are good for picking up? Cindy

  3. So you are open only we’d ,Thurs Fri and sat?

    1. Hi Fran,
      This summer I am open 4 days a week all through Sept. Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM. Stop on in 😀 Cindy

  4. Can you mail a common milkweed potted plant to Tennessee? I have a potted milkweed plant that I have kept inside for several weeks because I wanted to use it as a house plant. Low and behold a caterpillar has appeared on it.My plant dosen’t look that healthy (not many leaves). What should I do? I have never done this.Help

    1. Hi Georgia,
      First, congratulations on your baby caterpillar. The do appear unexpectedly. I’m sorry this is causing you stress.
      I don’t ship plant and the plants I am selling are seedlings and wouldn’t provide much food. A couple suggestions though for getting your hands on milkweed, see if anyone in your neighborhood or nearby has milkweed. They could “adopt” the caterpillar or give you leaves to feed until it pupates. Or if you’ve ever seen any Common milkweed growing along the roadside or hiking trails you can take a leaf as needed. Many plant nurseries sell milkweed as do Home Depot and Lowe’s, just make sure to ask if they are sprayed with anything that would hurt the caterpillar. There’s even a company that mails out milkweed leaves called Milkweed Hotline. You are going to be a great caterpillar Mom. I wish you all the best on your milkweed search. Cindy

  5. Looking for the Redring milkweed seeds.Hard to find anywhere in the country.we live in southwest Florida, and with the other types of milkweed plants we grow there are lots of butterflies around are place.

    1. Hi Jim,
      You are right, the Redring are a harder seed to find. I have a patch growing but I still don’t know how many flowers I’ll get this year or if they will be pollinated. My suggestion is to sign up for “In Stock” alerts and when I have them ready for sale you will get an email. Here’s the Redring listing. Thank you for helping the Monarchs. Cindy

  6. thank you for getting back to me. you are open wednesday? I could stop by then. I am in Londonderry township ( Middletown).
    what type of payment do you require?

    1. Hi Sandra,
      Yes, I’m open Wed from 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM. I accept cash, check or credit cards.
      See you Wed. 🙂

  7. Will you have milkweed available on June 8, like posted??

    1. Hi Lori, Yes, there will be some available on Wed. and more in another 2-3 weeks. You can sign up for “In Stock Alerts” for the species that you are interested in. Have a great day, Cindy

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